Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Next Year, We're Going to Nail It

PS: it's NaBloPoMo Day 1, y'all!

I'm just going to say it: this year goes down in the books as a Halloween fail.

But not how you think.

Somehow, amidst planning a toddler birthday party, working crazy hours and debating my national blogging month participation, I embraced Halloween like it was my JOB.

First, I became Pinterest-obsessed. I was secretly one of those Moms, looking for Pinspiration (ugh, listen to me!) during every spare second I had.

It started with the snacks for the daycare Halloween party. "I signed us up for cheese sticks," Mr. KK told me one night.

But there was NO WAY I was bringing just cheese sticks. 

Nope. I was bringing ghost sticks. (And stickers!)

And when we were invited to a Halloween party, I didn't want to bring just any old appetizer. I brought Frankenguac (can someone trademark that, please?)

And finally, in my best Mom Moment yet, I decided to make my Boo Boo's costume.

And it was frickin' awesome.

My child is infatuated with tractors. So, in what I can only describe as a ploy to get my Toddler to think I was the coolest Mom on the planet, I decided to make him a John Deere costume.

There was cutting! There was spray painting! There was gluing! 

There were working headlights!

And he LOVED it. For days, all we heard was: "My tractor! My tractor!" as he pointed excitedly at it.

And then we tried to put it on him. And we were met with a resounding: "No!"

He wouldn't wear it. Refused to put it on his body. (Unless you could the 5 minutes he put it on at daycare for the Halloween parade. Of course he put it on for his teachers.)

Look at that costume. It's a thing of beauty, if I do say so myself.

So instead of wearing Mommy's handmade costume, we practiced going outside in our overalls and plaid shirt, and knocking on Grandma's door, yelling "Trick or Treat!", and picking out candy. And he was really good at it. 

So while this year was a fail, we're ready for next year, and hopefully we'll do it wearing a costume.

As for me, I'm hanging up my Pinterest boards.

And thinking we should start on the whole Santa thing sooner rather than later.

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