Monday, November 27, 2017

Day 27: #sorrynotsorry Santa

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we can focus on what is truly important: CHRISTMAS.

Our Little Mister is finally at the age where he "gets it". 

His first Christmas, he was just a few months old, so while we got an amazing photo with Santa holding him, the holiday itself was pretty boring with him.

Year 1: "Who is this guy?"

His second Christmas, at just over a year old, he didn't understand the whole idea behind "Santa" yet. So when Santa came to visit him, he was petrified of him. We managed to get a photo of him on Santa's lap, but the look in Little Mister's eyes said, "I don't trust you and I'm about to cry in 5...4...3...2..."

Year 2: "I don't trust this guy."

Last year, we understood the concept of Christmas, and that Santa was going to come and bring presents. We practiced saying "Ho! Ho! Ho!" in preparation for Santa's annual visit to our house for pictures. While we didn't run away from Santa screaming, we didn't run and jump on his lap, either.

Year 3: "Do we know this guy?"

THIS year, however, we are ready for Christmas. We talk about Santa, his reindeer, and how he's going to bring presents.

We also talk about how Santa is keeping an eye on all the kids. We are using Santa to instill good behavior in our child.

And I'm not ashamed of it.

In fact, in our house, Santa is LITERALLY keeping an eye on Little Mister. 

Santa also keeps an eye on me to be sure I cook with real butter.

"Time to brush your teeth. Santa is watching!"

"You don't want Santa to see you doing that, do you?"

"Santa doesn't like hearing the word, 'NO!'"

So far, Santa has proven to be an excellent scape goat.

Not sure what's going to happen on December 26th, but for now, we'll take it.

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